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Showing posts with label theology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label theology. Show all posts

Monday, August 10, 2015

Deism is Making a Positive Difference despite Threats and Ingrained Superstitions

Deism is a very important living philosophy. It is not burdened with man-made dogma masquerading as divine revelation and clergy who pretend they have special insight into the mind of The Supreme Intelligence/God. Below are two emails we recently received which demonstrate the profound good Deism brings to people as well as the danger Deists in Islamic nations face simply by being a Deist. Both emails make very clear the importance of Deists stepping forward to do all they can to promote Deism for the betterment of themselves and of the world. To protect the Deist in the Islamic nation I'm not including his name or the name of his country.

"Am so sorry to inform you that, with all the clear conscience I have over the rationality of Deism and the potential it has to make the world a better place, I have to admit the fact that my life and the hope my parents have for me, is now being threatened. I am right now in a teaching hospital, completing my degree in human medicine, which I will complete in the next six months, but since the last discussion we had with a lecturer and some students on Deism vs Islam, the dishonest men went ahead and changed the whole topic by spreading lies that I am challenging or abusing the prophet Muhammad. They asked students to stop talking to me and now I cannot say I am safe or not. .... Meanwhile, I told them that God (Allah) has guided me back to Islam but I don't know if they can convince people and counter the terrible lies they said. Thank you very much. I will live to wish people understand that they have been deceived. May reason prevail."

His email makes clear that Deist who live in nations where they are free to be Deists openly need to step-up to promote Deism right now so we can eventually see to it that Deists and Deism can survive and prosper all around the world. I know several Deists who routinely risk life and limb in Islamic nations. We owe them a lot!

The second email is from Jack B., a Deist in the US in the Appalachians. He was involved in the Christian sects that believe the Bible is the word of God and that it teaches Christians to handle poisonous
snakes (Mark 16:18). His country style reliance on common sense and reason reminds me of Daniel Boone and Davy Crockett.

"Corrupt politics and corrupt religions have left people to think of nowhere to find truth but science. So Deism, not making any beliefs beyond what an individual is able to understand, is the only logical thing to us. I live deep in the Appalachian Mountains. Most people here don't identify with the right wing or the left wing as Fox news, CNN, and MSNBC are all hypocrites and liars is known fact by all. There's no atheism, nor are they interested in revealed traditions. Independent thought has always been the starting point of the Hillbilly way of life. It doesn't matter what the elites say, it's what's applied to reason that adds up. The only problem has always been lack of info resources, but not lack of free thought. When everybody else gets worried about the economy and other things the Appalachian people resort to reason, never being negative toward Supreme Deistic thought and always encouraged by the God of Nature to supply their needs and survival by nature and reason alone. The people here never took a side on the north and south issues; they're Deist to the core. They just don't know about Thomas Paine, Ethan Allen and Elihu Palmer. Neither would I had I not taken an interest in history.

"Deism is just an unknown truth because the church makes it my way or the highway to eternal hell. Lucky I had two great aunts deep in the Appalachians who taught me that the Bible was a perspective from a certain group of people and that God was revealed in earth, nature, reason. They knew nothing of Thomas Paine or Locke, not even Ben Franklin, so where did it come from - God given reason. Yes two women successfully come up with no outside info on Deism though they knew not the name, they had the concept. God given reason. Coming from a Jesus religion Deism was a conversion but I knew in my heart, mind, body and soul Jesus never handled a snake and it was a desperate plea to make God act as if we could and why wouldn't he already know that we glorify and respect his intelligence and wonderful creation without such acts as to try to dictate to him what we need when he has given us an amount of discovery through science and reason to relate to him and not earn his love. We must be patient, enlightenment to Deism will come."

by Bob Johnson  Edited by Ben Johnson

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

A Panendeist's Explaination of Why Evil Exists

To understand why bad things happen, we must first imagine a world without them.

What Would Life Look Like Without Evil?

To understand why evil happens, I think we must first ask ourselves, what would the world look like if it was absolutely perfect? If you just scratch the top of that though experiment, you'll probably get some very positive imagery, maybe some picture of you running through a meadow under a perfectly blue sky, but, if you follow that thought process all the way through, you'll arrive at a horrifyingly meaningless form of existence. Why? Because there is only one perfect response and action to every choice you make, in fact, there may only be one utterly perfect thing for you to be doing - ever.

A Day in a Perfect Life

For the sake of illustration, lets imagine that there were multiple perfect things that you could engage in. Now imagine waking up in your perfect home (which is identical to everyone else's perfect home), surrounded by your perfect family, who loves you not because they have a choice, but because that's the only thing they can do - after all, they're perfect too. You get out of your perfect bed and have the perfect breakfast, followed by the most utterly perfect mid-day activities and family time. You wow as you enjoy the perfect picnic at the perfect park, your taste-buds burst in ecstasy as you consume the perfect dinner with your perfect family. After your dinner, you engage in the most remarkably perfect sex in the most perfect position with your perfect wife, and at night, you and your family all lie together in the meadow, looking up at the perfect stars in the perfect night sky - each of you has gone through the entire day in an unshakable and unrelenting mental state of ecstatic loving bliss.

Now imagine that every single family on earth is doing the exact same thing that you're doing, perhaps at different times (depending on geographic location), and all without any choice to deviate from this objective 'perfect' state of being. Imagine that every day will be exactly the same and that you will never die, nor will you ever deviate from this state of existence.

'Perfection' Eliminates the Purpose of Being and Free Will

Besides being terrifying to imagine, a perfect world, with perfect beings, and a perfect material nature cannot accommodate purpose, actual freedom, or a reason for being. In a perfect world, there are no problems to solve, no diseases to cure, no triumphs, no struggles, no tears, and no victories. In such a world, we would simply exist as choice-less beings with no objective meaningful purpose or means of defining our own existence.

Bad Defines Good and Good Defines Bad

Without bad to define good, good is nothing. When you see a beautiful sky on a sunny day, you can appreciate it because you've seen stormy skies that bring rain and destruction. In the same sort of way, when you love deeply, you can appreciate it, because you've known what it means to feel alone.

A perfect world is like a perfectly white room in which you, and everything around you are also perfectly white. In this room, you see nothing, because there is no contrast to define one thing from another. The same would be true of a perfectly black room. It is only by allowing the freedom of both elements, black and white, that innumerable variations of grey can lend form and meaning to this room and all that lies within it.

So in our perfect world scenario, you can't really love or really enjoy anything, because you have nothing to define what makes anything worthy of love or enjoyment in the first place. Everything you do, and everything that happens around you, is simply a set of incomprehensible actions that take place without anyone ever having chosen to do them.

The Scope of Good and Evil

Since good and evil are two parts of an integral whole and necessary to define one another, we must consider that the greatest possible experiences of love, joy, or attainment exist in polarized contrast to equally powerful capacities for hate, sorrow, and failure. We, our world, and the universe it occupies are free, and such freedom requires both good and evil to exist as unrestricted elements. To limit the scope of how bad things could be, would be to limit scope of how good they could be also, ultimately this would diminish our own freedom and depth of experience.

Because Evil Exists, We Have Purpose and Meaning

As humans, it is our transcendent purpose to choose good over evil. When we choose to engage in things like love, friendship, creativity, caring for our fellow beings, or improving the world around us, we find unison with God, and we feel the transcendent beauty, good, and meaning of it.

Written by Benjamin F. Sullivan, Published with Permission via