We welcome you to the Deism Center. We hope you will find us as a useful guild to deism. We do not purport to have all the answers but if you don't find what you’re looking for feel free to contact us and together we will find the answer. This is a general deism web site; we attempt to show most all branches of deism. We are also a family safe site. You may use the contact page if you have questions or suggestions. I once had a teacher who said “The only dumb question is the question not asked.” Dr. Ben Johnson, Dr. of Divinity, Deist.
No Need for Worship:
Because the deist god is entirely removed from involvement, he has neither need nor want of worship. Indeed, deists commonly hold that God does not even care if humanity believes in him.
Rejection of Prophets:
Because God has no desire for worship or other specific behavior, there is no reason for him to neither speak through prophets nor send representatives of himself among humanity.
Rejection of Supernatural Events:
God, in his wisdom, created all of the desired motions of the universe during creation. There is therefore no need for him to make mid-course corrections through the granting of visions, miracles and so forth.
Methods of Understanding God:
Because God does not manifest himself directly, he can only be understood through the application of reason and through the study of the universe he created. Deists have a fairly positive view of human existence, stressing the greatness of creation and the faculties granted to humanity such as the ability to reason. As such, deists reject all forms of revealed religion. Any knowledge one has of God should come through their own understanding, experiences and reason, not the prophecies of others.
Deist Views of Organized Religions:
Because deists accept that God in uninterested in praise and that he in unapproachable via prayer, there is little organized religion surrounding deist beliefs. Deists often feel that organized religion add layers of untruth to the reality of God. Some deists, particularly historical ones, however, saw a value in organized religion for the common folk, because religion could instill positive concepts of morality and sense of community.
Origins of Deism:
Deism originated in the Ages of Reason and Enlightenment in the 17th and 18th centuries. During this time, many more people became interested in scientific explanations about the world and became more skeptical of magic and miracles.
Famous Deists:
A large number of United States Founding Fathers were deists or had strong deist leanings. Some of them identified themselves as Unitarians, a non-Trinitarian form of Christianity that emphasized rationality and skepticism. These deists include Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, James Madison and John Adams.
This site is not intended to disparage any religion. It is trying to bring deism to those who wish to know more about this natural concept.
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